
Qigong Products:

ProductNameDetailsBuy Now
Born a HealerChun-yi Lin's life story plus qigong techniques; everyone is born with healing capabilitiesBuy on Amazon
Head-to-Toe HealingA library of healing techniques through tapping, cupping, and massage of key energy points in the bodyBuy on Amazon

Tai Chi Products:

ProductNameDetailsBuy Now
">T'ai Chi ClassicsOne of the greatest books on Tai Chi, with information you won't find elsewhere, my personal favorite!Buy on Amazon
Mastering Yang Style TaijiquanContains excellent descriptions of each of the moves from the Yang Long Form, plus translations of important principles.Buy on Amazon
">Simplified Tai Chi for Beginners DVDExcellent instruction from Helen Liang on the 24-movement form, multiple angles, applications, fundamentalsBuy on Amazon

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">The Way of the Five SeasonsMy go-to book on anything relating to the five elements.Buy on Amazon

Coming soon: more recommended products.

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